BY-LAWS OF BIG SKY R/C MODELERS Revision 1 February 4, 2009
The name of this corporation is Big Sky R/C Modelers Inc. and the registered office of said corporation is Great Falls, Montana.
The purpose of this corporation is to develop and maintain an interest in radio control model aircraft and to promote the general hobby of modeling for the enjoyment and recreation of the membership, all on a non-profit basis consistent with the provisions set forth in the Articles of Incorporation.
Section 1. Eligibility – Any person willing to abide by the rules and regulations of Big Sky R/C Modelers Inc.
Section 2. Members – The members shall consist of such subscribers who have paid their membership fees and received a membership card. It shall be a condition of membership that each member has a current membership in the Academy of Model Aeronautics, herein after known as AMA. It shall be a requisite to continued membership that members comply with the most currently published Official Academy of Model Aeronautics National Model Aircraft Safety Code, hereinafter referred to as the AMA Safety Code and the rules and regulations of the corporation.
Section 3. Fees and Dues – Dues shall be payable on an annual basis as determined by a majority vote of at least a quorum of the membership in attendance at a regular meeting.
Section 4. Open Members – Members possessing an open AMA membership.
Section 5. Membership Card – Each membership card shall state the corporation is organized under the laws of the State of Montana and the name of the registered holder. The card shall be in such form as shall be approved by the board of directors or by a majority vote of at least a quorum of the membership in attendance at a regular meeting.
Section 1. Meetings – Meetings of the membership shall be at a suitable meeting place or places convenient to the membership as may be designated by the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors will also determine the date, time and number of meetings per year. It shall be the duty of the President to call a special meeting of the members as directed by resolution of the Board of Directors, or upon a request signed by 20% of the members and presented to the Secretary. The notice of any special meeting shall state the time and place of such meeting and the purpose thereof. No business shall be transacted at a special meeting except as stated in the notice unless consent of 50% of the open members, either in person or by proxy.
Section 2. Annual Meetings – The annual meeting of the corporation shall be held on the first regular meeting in November or December of each succeeding year. At such meeting there shall be elected by ballot the general officers. The members may also transact such other business of the corporation as may properly come before them.
Section 3. Quorum – The representation either in person or by proxy of at least 10% of the open members of record of the corporation shall be requisite for and shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business of all meetings of members. If the club has a total membership of 50 then 5 members must be present at the meeting before a vote can be cast to carry out any business.
Section 4. Voting – At every meeting of the members, each open member represented either in person or by proxy, shall have the right to cast one vote on each question and never more than one vote. The vote of the majority of at least a quorum of those represented either in person or by proxy at a regular meeting, shall decide any question brought before such meetings.
Section 1. Number and Qualifications – The affairs of the corporation, as voted upon by at least a quorum of the general membership, in attendance at a regular meeting, shall be governed by a Board of Directors. The board of directors will be composed of 4 elected General Officers and 3 open members appointed by the President and approved by the General Officers.
Section 2. Powers ad Duties – The Board of Directors shall have the powers and duties necessary for the administration of the affairs of the corporation, as voted upon by at least a quorum of the general membership in attendance at a regular meeting, and shall promulgate such rules and regulations as are consistent with the purposes of this corporation and the general interest of the membership.
Section 3. Term of Office – The term of the Directors shall begin and end on the calendar year.
Section 4. Vacancies – Vacancies in the Board of Directors shall be filled by a vote of the majority of the remaining Directors and each person so elected shall be a Director until a successor is elected by the membership at the next annual meeting.
Section 5. Board of Directors Meetings – Board of Directors meetings shall be held as necessary to carry out their duties. Duties will consist of organizing events, choosing club awards, setting up committees and any other affairs voted upon by at least a quorum of the general membership, at a regular meeting, and listed in their job descriptions.
Section 6. Quorum – At all meetings of the Board of Directors a majority of the Directors shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. A vote of the board of directors may be needed to determine how to carry out the business of the club as so directed by a majority vote of at least a quorum the membership in attendance at a regular meeting.
Section 1. Designation – The General Officers of the corporation shall be a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary and a Treasurer, all of whom shall be elected by the open membership. The Office of Secretary and Treasurer may be combined and held by one person at which time one or more Directors may be appointed.
Section 2. Removal of Officers – Upon an affirmative vote of at least a quorum of the majority of the open members, in attendance at a regular meeting, any Officer may be removed and his successor elected at a special meeting called for that purpose.
Section 3. President – The president shall be the executive officer of the club and shall preside at all meetings. He or she shall be the spokesperson for the club. He or she shall appoint standings and special committees as he deems necessary. He or she will cast the deciding vote in any case where a tie vote is encountered.
Section 4. Vice-President – The vice president shall assist the president in all matters and shall assume the duties of the president if for any reason the president is not able to perform his or her duties. He or she shall be responsible for the club meeting scheduled events that may be necessary or requested by the club officers or members.
Section 5. Secretary/Treasurer – The secretary/treasurer shall keep accurate minutes of all regular scheduled and called club meetings and record meeting attendance. He or she shall maintain an up-to-date membership record of all members including their name, mailing addresses, AMA membership numbers, and telephone numbers.
He or she shall have charge of all club funds. He or she shall collect dues when they are due and authorized to pay any and all club obligations from these funds. He or she shall keep appropriate records of all club monetary transaction and shall provide a treasurer’s report at each scheduled club meeting.
If the vice president, for any reason, is unable to perform his or her duties, the secretary/treasurer shall assist or take over the duties of the vice president as needed.
Section 6. Treasurer – If a separate club treasure is named then the duties of the secretary/treasurer will be split between these elected officials.
Section 7. Safety Officer – The safety officer (coordinator) duties will be to promote increased safety awareness on the part of all members, improve the public perception of modeling as a safe and desirable sport, and provide a means by which important safety information can be shared between clubs. AMA chartered club are required to establish the position of safety coordinator. This person will act as communications liaison between the club and AMA Headquarters to ensure timely distribution of safety related material. The club safety coordinator must have an Email access.
Other duties will consist of providing a communications link between AMA and the club in matters related to safety. Act as a safety advisor and resource manager for the club and its members. Assist AMA in the establishment of a national safety program to reduce accidents/incidents. Develop, promote, and encourage a climate of safety awareness within the club. Notify the AMA of any incidents or serious accidents at the club field (765)212-0793 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting (765)212-0793 end_of_the_skype_highlighting.
Section 8. Field Marshall – The Field Marshall shall be responsible for general field maintenance and sanitation. He shall have the authority to call work parties.
All expenditures must be approved by the President, the Board of Directors or voted upon by majority of at least a quorum of the membership, in attendance at a regular meeting, except annual fixed expenses. Land lease payment would be an example of an annual fixed expense. Members placed in charge of tasks are authorized to spend up to $100.00 of their own money and receive reimbursement for expenditures, without the approval of the President, the Board of Directors or voted upon by at least a quorum of the membership, in attendance at a regular meeting. Field maintenance would be an example of this.
A majority vote of a quorum of the general membership, in attendance at a regular meeting, must approve any changes to the by-laws. The membership shall be notified by email as to the time and place of the meeting to vote upon the changes to the by-laws. Members who do not have email will be notified by regular mail.
The Board of Directors will then be given the power to use these new by-laws for the regulation and management, of the affairs of the corporation
Section 1. The AMA Safety Code and the standing field rules as published shall govern flight operation and safety at the Big Sky R/C Modeler’s field.
Section 2. The Safety Officer shall have the authority to enforce flight safety rules at the field immediately upon observing a violation. A member or guest pilot may be told to stop flying and or may be told to leave the field. Any such activity must be reported to the Board of Directors.
Section 3. It is the responsibility of the Safety Officer to report any unacceptable behavior by an individual member or members to the Board of Directors. The safety officer will turn in all submitted grievance forms to the Board of Directors. A copy of the form is included at the end of the by-laws. Copies can be obtained on the club web site and at the flying field.
Section 4. Grievance Procedure – The grievance procedure provides a mechanism to enforce existing safety rules by providing a progressive disciplinary system when needed.
Although most complaints can be resolved informally, if a complaint is serious or cannot be resolved informally, the matter should be referred to the Board of Directors for its consideration by means of a Grievance Form to be filled out and turned into the Safety Officer. At least one witness is required to sign the Grievance Form.
A violation is defined as an incident or action that has resulted in a signed and witnessed grievance form. A completed grievance form will be turned into the Safety Officer to present to the Board of Directors.
Section 5. Progressive Disciplinary Actions
The first violation will be written on a Grievance form and the Safety Officer will present it to the Board of Directors to investigate. If the Safety Officer and the Board of Directors feel the violation is serious enough, the complainant’s name will be disclosed to the membership and a verbal reprimand will be given to the accused. The violation will be recorded in the Club records
The second violation will be written on a Grievance form and the Safety Officer will present it to the Board of Directors to investigate. If the Safety Officer and the Board of Directors feel the violation is serious enough, the complainant’s name will be disclosed to the membership. The flying privileges of the accused will be suspended for thirty (30) days. Written notice of this shall be issued and a copy published in the Club newsletter. The accused member has the right to a written rebuttal.
The third violation will be written on a Grievance form and the Safety Officer will present it to the Board of Directors to investigate. If the Safety Officer and Board of Directors feel the violation is serious enough, the complainant will be notified in writing of the Grievance and the membership will be notified via the Club newsletter. The Board of Directors and Safety Officer will recommend a vote for expulsion of the member from the club. A majority vote of 2/3 of members in attendance at the meeting is needed to expel the complainant. Said expulsion will last for a one-year minimum. Written notice of this expulsion will be given to the complainant. The AMA will be notified and notice will also be published in the club newsletter. The expelled member may reapply for membership after one year (365 days).
Section 6. Retaliation – Any member receiving a Grievance, who directs any retaliation action against the person filing said grievance or other members involved in the club’s actions, will be subject to expulsion from the club. This is to include threats, intimidation, physical harm, intentional equipment damage, or any other action deemed to be retaliator by the Board of Directors. A member may be expelled from the Club only upon a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the voting membership present at the meeting. Voting will be by secret ballot at a regular monthly meeting. Said expulsion will last for a one-year minimum (365 days). The expelled member may reapply for membership.
Section 1. This club may become affiliated with sectional, National or International organizations as the Club Officers feel will advance the purpose of the club.
Section 2. Dissolution of the Club- The duration of the club shall be perpetual. The club may be dissolved with the approval of two-thirds vote of the total voting membership. Upon the dissolution of the Corporation, the Board shall, after paying or making provisions to the payment of all of the liabilities of the Corporation, dispose of all the assets of the Corporation. The assets of Club will be given to the Academy of Model Aeronautics, Inc., or to such other organizations organized and operated exclusively for charitable, educational, religious or scientific purposes. The assets may be given to an organization with similar purposes as the Big Sky R/C Modelers. These organizations, at the time must qualify as an exempt organization under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986.
Revised and accepted by a vote of a majority of at least a quorum of the membership, in attendance at a regular meeting, on February 4, 2009.
_____________________________ President of the Big Sky R/C Modelers Inc.
John Sammons 2009