The following rules were formulated by an eight member rules committee, with input from many other club members. These rules represent the collective input of members with a wide range of experience in modeling and other organizations. The first draft was read and approved in part on May 3, 1984, revised and accepted on August 24, 1984, with updates current through June 3, 2020
 Safety toward members, guests, and neighboring landowners and their property was the major consideration in formulating these rules. However, legal liability and responsibility, the requirements of the Academy of Model Aeronautics, and the time-tested operational rules of other AMA organizations played a large part in the formulation of both subject and wording. Members should realize that these rules are the product of the democratic process, i.e., the rules were accepted by a majority of the members present at the time of review and at a regular club meeting. As such, they represent the acceptable standards of conduct for use of club facilities. Likewise, to keep the rules current and relevant, they may be added to, modified, or deleted through the democratic process.
 Suggested changes should be presented at a regular club meeting, along with reasons for the change, and the proposed wording. Proposed changes may then be either approved, modified, or disapproved by the membership. Until that time, your fellow members will expect your compliance.

All flying on or over the 160 acre parcel of land leased by Big Sky R/C Modelers, Hereby known as BLACK HORSE FIELD shall be in accordance with the current OFFICIAL AMA SAFETY CODE and the following Field Rules, a copy of which shall be posted at the flying site.
All model pilots wishing to use BLACK HORSE FIELD shall be current members of the ACADEMY OF MODEL AERONAUTICS (AMA) and BIG SKY R/C MODELERS (BSRCM).
1) Membership in BSRCM shall not be required for participation in sanctioned or publicized special events. Membership in AMA or MAAC (MODEL AIRCRAFT ASSOCIATION OF CANADA) shall be required.
2) A guest, who is a current AMA or MAAC member and not permanently residing in the Great Falls geographic area (50 mile radius) is extended reciprocal field use privileges. All guests must be accompanied by a club member and are only allowed to fly a maximum of 5 flights for the year. (For military personnel, PCS is permanent, TDY is temporary.) Permanent residents are expected to become members of BSRCM.
3) For non-AMA members wishing to experience a “hands-on” model flight, the AMA does allow this, on a one time basis per person only, (with the use of a Buddy Box system for RC). During this one-time flight, the club is protected through its liability coverage as long as the non-member’s supervised flying is in accordance with the AMA National Model Aircraft Safety Code(s). Under no circumstance should the non-member’s equipment or aircraft be used. Only AMA members are insured during this flight per the terms of the liability policy. This coverage is never transferable to the non-AMA member during the permitted one-time trial flight. Should an accident occur during this one-time flight, the person providing the flight assistance must file an accident report. Under the liability policy, the airplane is never insured and the non-AMA member is never insured during this flight.
Due to the prevailing use of 2.4 GHz transmitter frequencies the transmitter impound area exists but is not required during normal day to day flying sessions. The older transmitter frequencies (e.g., 27, 49, 53, 72 MHz, etc.) are allowed and it is strongly recommended that the use of these frequencies be coordinated at time of use. The transmitter impound area may still be used for fun-flys, fly-ins, competitions, etc. if the CD in charge determines it is necessary. It is also recommended that coordination with 5.8 GHz FPV frequencies prior to power up of that equipment happen as well.
All members are responsible for seeing that unescorted spectators remain behind the pit fence. Spectators are allowed in the pit area by invitation of a member and that member is responsible for the guest’s actions.
Beginners (including guests) shall fly only under the supervision of a club instructor unless qualified for unassisted flying privileges under the RECOMMENDED SOLO PILOT QUALIFICATION PROCEDURE. (See Article XIII)
1) Aircraft shall be “pitted” only in the designated Pit Area.
2) No taxiing shall take place in the pits.
3) Members are liable for their own vehicles while in the pit area. This area is intended for loading and unloading.
4) No hand launching shall take place in the pits. Hand launching shall take place from immediately in front of the pilot’s line and the pilot shall return to the pilot’s line as soon as possible after the launch.
5) All aircraft must be started using restraints or with the help of another member.
1) All pilots shall, when flying, separate themselves by 10ft .
2) Pilots shall stand behind the pilot line. A maximum of four aircraft are allowed in the air at one time. Pilots shall wait for a flying spot before placing their aircraft on the Taxiway in preparation for flight.
3) When a flight is completed, the pilot shall vacate their spot as soon as possible to make way for waiting pilots.
4) Launches of scale or unstable ground handling aircraft may be done on the runway, with the pilot and/or his helper standing behind the aircraft, provided that other flyers are in agreement and that the pilot and/or his helper immediately return to the pilot line after launch.
5) The north 25 feet of the edge of the runway (the near edge) is designated as taxi area . All taxiing should be confined to the taxi area and takeoffs and landings in the taxi area shall be avoided.
6) Hovering helicopters and aircraft, and fast low level passes down the runway are only allowed when the operating pilot is the only person flying.
7) Helicopters and drones are to be flown in the designated areas unless permission is granted to fly on the runway by aircraft users at that time.
1) Intentional flying over pits, parking area, spectator area, surrounding private property, or anywhere north of the “Flight Line” is prohibited. “Flight Line” is defined as the near edge of the runway extending to both ends of the runway.
2) There shall be no flying during designated work details at the field. Work parties may be called when necessary to maintain safety or to keep the field in good condition.
3) Flying shall be allowed only by participants during any scheduled club event. i.e., Fun-Flys, Cross-Countries, or sanctioned competition events. Sport flying may be allowed by non-participants during breaks in the scheduled events at the discretion of the Event Director.
4) The use of alcoholic beverages by anyone while directly involved in flying activities is prohibited. Alcoholic beverages are not allowed in the pits under any circumstances.
5) Powered, fixed-wing R/C model aircraft have priority over other forms of model activities. i.e., rubber power, free flight, control line, helicopters, or model rockets. These forms of model aviation may be conducted by CLUB MEMBERS (only in compliance with the AMA Safety Code) provided they are not flown during powered, fixed-wing R/C aircraft operations and that those pilots in attendance yield their use of the field.
6) Flying during rain, and lighting storms are not allowed.
7) Rebuilt and new aircraft must not be flown for the first time when other members are flying.
8) Motor testing must be done on the end tables.
9) Flight instructors are not responsible for damage to members aircraft while giving instruction.
10) Aircraft engines must comply with the AMA standards for noise. If your flying friends are complaining about the noise then it is too loud.
1) Pilots flying gasoline-fueled aircraft shall either supply their own fire extinguisher in the pits, or shall position the club’s fire extinguisher near their pitting operation. If used, the club’s extinguisher shall be refilled by the user as soon as possible, and stored in the snack shack.
2) All trash burning, whether open or in trash barrels, is prohibited. Exception: Burning under a burning permit.
3) All used smoking material should be crushed dead out, and removed by the smoker.
1) Shooting on club leased property is prohibited with the exception of legal hunting seasons. (By written permission only).
2) No more than two (2) people shall retrieve downed aircraft from the Golie property, and care shall be taken to minimize crop damage. Driving on the Golie property is prohibited.
3) Vehicles shall be restricted to the access road and to designated parking areas.
4) If you pack it in pack it out (garbage).
5) Bringing your unwanted items to the field and leaving them is not allowed.
6) Stealing or destroying club property is not allowed.
7) Off road vehicles must stay on designated roads. EXCEPTIONS: a) Vehicles involved in field maintenance. b) Emergency vehicles. c) Vehicles retrieving downed aircraft from club leased property only. (USE SOME COMMON SENSE HERE)
8) All debris from crashed aircraft shall be retrieved and properly disposed of.
9) At completion of a flying session for the day, the last member leaving the field shall close and securely lock the main gate in order to protect the clubs facilities.
Pets shall be leashed and are allowed in parking and spectator areas only. This is to prevent pet injury and pilot distraction.
1) Each member agrees to keep himself informed of all rules and regulations of the club and to make such information his own responsibility. In the event he brings guests or spectators to the field, it becomes his responsibility to inform his guests of the Club Rules pertaining to safety and their conduct.
 2) Members failing to comply with these rules and regulations are subject to revocation of their field privileges as designated in the club by-laws.

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